LIN, Sheng-Hsin
Music Educator/Clarinetist/Arranger 音樂教育者/單簧管演奏者/編曲者
Dissertation for Doctor of Musical Arts
University of North Texas, Denton, TX (USA)
Topic: Background, Compositional Style, and Performance Considerations in the Clarinet Works of David Baker: Clarinet Sonata and Heritage: A Tribute to Great Clarinetists
「 背景、創作風格與演奏詮釋探討:大衛·貝克的單簧管作品《單簧管奏鳴
David Baker (b. 1931) is an educator, composer, and jazz legend. He has composed at least fifteen works that include the clarinet. Baker's Clarinet Sonata (1989) has become a standard of clarinet repertoire and a popular recital inclusion. His chamber work Heritage: A Tribute to Great Clarinetists (1996) interweaves solo transcriptions of five jazz clarinetists. The compositional style of Baker's clarinet works frequently links jazz and classical idioms. The two works discussed in this document are excellent examples for classically trained musicians who would like to increase their ability and experience in interpreting jazz styles. The purpose of this document is: (1) to provide background, style, and performance considerations for Baker's Clarinet Sonata and Heritage: A Tribute for Great Clarinetists, for Clarinet, Violin, Piano and Double Bass; (2) based on these style elements, to provide suggestions for interpreting jazz-style works for classically trained clarinetists; and (3) to archive Baker's published and unpublished clarinet compositions. Appendices include transcripts of interviews with David Baker and other experts in this field (James Campbell, Rosana Eckert, Mike Steinel and Steven Harlos).
National Science Council Research Assistant
(Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
Topic: A Study of Formal Concept in the Symphonic Poem "Die Ideale" of Liszt.